Other recommended Athens hotels

If you can't find suitable availability for Plaka Hotel Athens, we recommend that you visit the sites of the following Athens Hotels which belong to the same Hotel Group with Plaka Hotel Athens and are located nearby:

Athens Center Square Hotel


300 m from Plaka and Monastiraki, Athens Center Square hotel (3 star as well) is a great alternative. Located on a pedestrian street, in front of the fruit market, offers a local atmosphere and a short walk from all the major archaeological sites. Free Wi-Fi, breakfast and stunning view of the Acropolis.Click on the following link for direct online reservations: https://athenscentersquarehotel.reserve-online.net/

Hermes Hotel Athens


Hermes Hotel (3 star as well), is situated just 150m away and is the best alternative to Plaka. You will enjoy free WiFi, Buffet Breakfast and a relaxing atmosphere. Our friendly staff can assist you with travel services. Renovated in 2016. Click on the following link for direct online reservations: https://hermeshotelathens.reserve-online.net/